
Few easy steps to make a music video

By Рослова Маррия

February 22, 2012

hmmmm…..most in-your-face trends of today?Lets see: royalty, renaissance, hippie jackets with fringing and as usual, colourful flags and the movie stars of the 50’s. Oh yes, and hot tattooed guys of course! Let’s take it all and put it together, make a music video out of it! Well done, everyone eats it! One annoying thing about Lana Del Rey’s Born to Die video is that it’s just that easy! Colourful, juicy and talentless! Perfectly eatable! What I am trying to say is that yes, fashion repeats itself, but not absolutely identically! Why do we stop the process and just make eatable things? Why not at least modify them to create something new and fresh! Lana Del Rey has COMPLETELY copied Brigitte Bardot without anything added.


I say this is BORING. And this tendency is all around! If you look at fashion weeks these days, they are doing it the easy way! I understand this is the hard crisis times, but YOUNG TALENTED ARTISTS DON’T GIVE UP! There’s no good jobs on offer and nobody wants to pay young unexperienced people, but we shouldn’t give up. Te question between self-expression and what the client wants should not be solved that easily, we must fight! Keep insisting, sending your portfolio’s, stalking brands and producers with emails, we must not let this tendency spread.