Philipp Plein празднует сегодня свой День Рождения!

Молодой и талантливый дизайнер всего за несколько лет снискал себе славу у самых именитых звезд шоу-бизнеса во всем мире. Philipp Plein впервые приехал в Россию в октябре 2008, и его первое шоу на конкурсе моделей Elite Model Look стало настоящей сенсацией.

Moda.Ru поздравляет Philipp Plein с Днем Рождения и желает неиссякаемых творческих идей!!!


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Philipp Plein celebrates his Birthday today!

The young and talented designer managed for several years to attain fame at the most eminent stars of show business all over the world. Philipp Plein first came to Russia in October 2008 and his first show at Elite Model Look contest became the real sensation.

Moda. Ru congratulates Philipp Plein with his Birthday and wishes inexhaustible creative ideas!!!

Philipp Plein celebrates his Birthday today!

The young and talented designer for couple of years managed to attain fame among the most eminent stars of show business all over the world. Philipp Plein first came to Russia in October 2008 and his first show at Elite Model Look contest became the real sensation.

Moda. Ru congratulates Philipp Plein with his Birthday and wishes inexhaustible creative ideas!!!